About Me

My name is Erika. I am a PR- Mass Communications Student at Texas State and Part time Student at ACC. GO BOBCATS! I caught the travel bug after visiting London and hope to see more of the world and unseen places. I'm very passionate about women's rights and rescue animals who need homes. I volunteered at a local humane society, so I got a first-hand look of misplaced and unwanted pets.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Governor RIck Perry Not Seeking Re-election

Governor Rick Perry announced earlier this month that he would not be running for re-election for governorship. Perry will be ending the year of 2013 with a bang by: passing an anti-abortion law, dismissing the expansion of Medicaid and his obvious feelings of gays relating to the Boy Scouts decision of lifting the rule earlier this year. Perry had a good resume with a 30-year political career, being the longest elected Texas governor, and running as candidate in the presidential election of 2012.

The question that I have: will there be any change after a new governor is elected? Knowing very well that Republicans rule over the state and its political seats but do any Democratic candidate has a chance to win over the hearts of Texas? Talks of prospective governor candidates are: Attorney General Gregg Abbott, Tom Pauken and Larry Kilgore has been declared. As usual, the favorites or most talked about are Republicans. Seems that there will not be a variety of different party candidates in the future governor election. It is too early to tell but the odds are not in the favor of Democrats.

There needs to be a more refreshing and new approach to Texas state and local government. It seems like we are going nowhere, always taking a step back from progress. This election for a new governor seems to be a great start to hit refresh, instead of clicking back.
If people want change, they need to vote. Protests and rallies bring attention to politics but it is after the fact when the governor is already elected. Voters bring change for progress by numbers and casting ballots. 
We will not see the last of Rick Perry with speculation that he will return in 2016 for another chance to run in the presidential election. I am sure Rick Perry will take advantage of the time he still has left. 2013 is not over yet. 


Friday, July 19, 2013

Immigration Reform Discussion Begins

Burnt Orange Reporter Omar Araiza, written an article to discuss the Immigration Reform Enters Critical New Arena as House GOP Gathers to Discuss Immigration Reform on July 13, 2013. The immigration reform bill that has been proposed will militarize the border region; provide tougher border control security provisions along with the current illegal immigration population who can gain legal status and citizenship.

The author’s intended audience is individuals who will be affected by the immigration reform. The author’s credibility is shown by the progression of the immigration reform bill in the article and major political individuals who are involved. The writer’s argument is that the republican representatives are not fond of the Senate’s decision not to offer another border control approach. Also, the Republican Party has a lack of appeal to get the support of the minority vote. The author’s logic discussing the new immigration reform and minority support for Republican Party shows to be an important part in their involvement with the reform bill.

I agree that minority voting and involvement have increased during elections and the Republican Party shouldn’t overlook the numbers of participation and votes casted by this portion of the population.  My concern is that the bill won’t be upheld for what it was written for. There needs to be a balance and strict guidelines for the immigrants who want to have a legal status in this country and take the steps to become a U.S. citizen than just take advantage of what is offered in the immigration reform bill, and not just to strengthen the numbers of the border control.  The article stated that the White House released an analysis that there will be an increase of “gross domestic product, more job creation, job growth, and a decrease in budget deficits.” Another personal concern is that how will the government create more jobs if there is a lack of jobs already in the work force. What about the legal immigrants, United States citizens and college students who are trying to find work also?
The immigration reform bill shouldn’t be an easy way out for illegal immigrants and it shouldn’t be another reason to militarize the border. There needs to be a balanced approach.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

College Students Do Make A Difference In Politics

Texas State’s paper, The University Star, posted an opinion piece The Main Point: College-Aged Voters Can Affect Public Policy In U.S., Texas on July 10, 2013.  The author’s intended audience is college students and young voters. The author’s credibility is from a college student perspective and their agreement that college aged students have a choice to change the progression in hot button topics like abortion rights and same sex marriage. Their claim is that students who are more involved and active on social media platforms to express their opinion to gain attention. The author’s evidence of the protests can be shown in the efforts of Senator Wendy Davis and protestors who were involved in person and in the social media supporting their opinions. Along with same sex marriage, students showed their belief and opinions in rallies and political involvement. The writer’s logic is stated in the article that college students can make a difference by casting their vote, choosing their legislators in elections and discussing their statements on social media platforms.

I agree with the opinion article because college students are becoming their own person, developing their own voice and views politically and socially. Their efforts to make a difference and change in our society can be done by college students, who have personal experience and passion to choose the way they would want society to be. Social media has been a huge impact on young people by discussion topics and more interactive with the people who they support politically or have the same or similar views just like them.
College students should be involved more than just hot topic issues but have knowledge of what is going on year round. I think that hot topic debates that students follow now will influence them to continue to follow after the topic is done or when the bill is passed.