About Me

My name is Erika. I am a PR- Mass Communications Student at Texas State and Part time Student at ACC. GO BOBCATS! I caught the travel bug after visiting London and hope to see more of the world and unseen places. I'm very passionate about women's rights and rescue animals who need homes. I volunteered at a local humane society, so I got a first-hand look of misplaced and unwanted pets.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Governor RIck Perry Not Seeking Re-election

Governor Rick Perry announced earlier this month that he would not be running for re-election for governorship. Perry will be ending the year of 2013 with a bang by: passing an anti-abortion law, dismissing the expansion of Medicaid and his obvious feelings of gays relating to the Boy Scouts decision of lifting the rule earlier this year. Perry had a good resume with a 30-year political career, being the longest elected Texas governor, and running as candidate in the presidential election of 2012.

The question that I have: will there be any change after a new governor is elected? Knowing very well that Republicans rule over the state and its political seats but do any Democratic candidate has a chance to win over the hearts of Texas? Talks of prospective governor candidates are: Attorney General Gregg Abbott, Tom Pauken and Larry Kilgore has been declared. As usual, the favorites or most talked about are Republicans. Seems that there will not be a variety of different party candidates in the future governor election. It is too early to tell but the odds are not in the favor of Democrats.

There needs to be a more refreshing and new approach to Texas state and local government. It seems like we are going nowhere, always taking a step back from progress. This election for a new governor seems to be a great start to hit refresh, instead of clicking back.
If people want change, they need to vote. Protests and rallies bring attention to politics but it is after the fact when the governor is already elected. Voters bring change for progress by numbers and casting ballots. 
We will not see the last of Rick Perry with speculation that he will return in 2016 for another chance to run in the presidential election. I am sure Rick Perry will take advantage of the time he still has left. 2013 is not over yet. 


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